We will be on vacation from 01/07 – 05/07. We will answer all tickets from 08/07. Thanks for understanding!
You can now (from version 1.3) change the logo on a page per page basis aswell as the header image.
Playne is a beautiful, clean way of displaying your content to the masses. Use the eye-catching banner with scroll effect and rotating text to immediately draw the attention of your visitors.
Use one of 7 custom post formats to display anything ranging from quotes & links to images & videos.
Assign a custom header / footer background image for each page seperately
Contact us at support@playnethemes.com or via twitter @playnethemes. We will get back to you within 12 hours or less!
Custom changes
Need anything changed to the theme? Let us know what you would like and we can probably arrange it!
- Responsive design
- Custom post formats (Video, Gallery, Image, Chat, Aside, Link, Quote, Standard)
- Beautiful header image
- Wordpress customizer ready
- Change the accent color, background image/color, header image etc within seconds
- Translation ready
- Beautiful footer area with post navigation
- Shortcodes plugin
- Social icons in footer (can be set with the customizer)
- Footer sliderbar
- Special image hover effect
- Great typography & readability
- Even and odd post colors
- Custom archive page
- Custom portfolio page
- Custom 404 page with recent posts displayed
- Added some more social icons in the footer area (can be controlled in the customizer panel)
- Fixed small css issue with the contact form
- Fixed small css issue with header backgrounds on iOS browsers
- Changed some minor coding issues
- First version on Themeforest

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