This is Kallyas Template, one of the most complete, premium template ever made. This is an ultra-premium, highly-responsive Joomla Template built for today websites. It’s super flexible, clean design (and code), without no modesty. It has the latest techologies and trends and it can be used in a huge variety of domains. It’s also a great deal having premium plugins inside!!
Remember, support is given through our Support Forums.
Admin Screenshots
Full list of Features:
- Both Joomla 2.5.x and 3.0.x compatible (Virtuemart is not supported on J3 for the moment.)
- Own framework based on Bootstrap Framework
- Unlimited colors and combinations!
- Virtuemart / Ecommerce integration
- SEO Ready
- Translation Ready
- Responsive layout
- Dark / Light themes
- 6 Homepages with different module combinations
- Around 70 modules positions or various combinations
- Huge slider variety:
- iOS Slider
- Creative Slider (based on Revolution Slider)
- Fixed Sliders
- Style 1 (Flex Slider)
- Style 2 (Nivo Slider)
- Style 3 (Wow Slider)
- 3D Cute Slider
- Fancy Slider
- Circular Content
- Static Content (great variety)
- Portfolio Slider Devices (based on Revolution Slider)
- Portfolio Slider Frames
- Laptop Slider
- iCarousel
- CSS3 Panels
- Genious Portfolio Layouts (using Joomla API)
- Carousels Layout
- Sortable Layout
- Category Layout on multiple columns
- 35 custom modules created specially for this template! with various layouts
- Shortcodes System
- Custom pages designs
- Pricing tables
- Blog section with comments
- Photo Gallery
- FAQ Section
- 404 Page redesign
- Offline Page redesign
- Google Fonts support
- Newsletter module based on Mailchimp
- Built-in Prettyphoto lightbox with autopopup & open from link functionality
- Transparent modal pages
- Custom QR Code generator
- Sitemap design included
- Quick Install with demo data & Standalone standalone version aswell
- PSD Files included
- 960px / 1200px grid system
- Great social media support!
- Built in styles
- & many others
Many thanks to
- Icons – http://www.iconfinder.com/ , http://iconmonstr.com/
- Images used in preview properly licensed from www.photodune.net (not included in the template)
- Placeholder images – www.lorempixum.com
- Subtle Patterns http://subtlepatterns.com/
- Bootstrap Framework http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
- IOS Slider - http://iosscripts.com/iosslider/
- Revolution Slider http://codecanyon.net/item/slider-revolution-responsive-jquery-plugin/2580848
- Icarousel http://codecanyon.net/item/icarousel/2527180
- 3d Cute Slider - http://codecanyon.net/item/cute-slider-3d-2d-html5-image-slider/3046001
- Isotope Jquery plugin (properly licensed) http://isotope.metafizzy.co
- Nivo Slider http://nivo.dev7studios.com/
- WowSlider - http://wowslider.com/
- Modernizr - http://modernizr.com/
- Jquery Map marker plugin - http://www.welancers.com/jquery-map-marker-plugin/
- Flex Slider - http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/
- CarouFredSel PrettyPhoto
- PrettyPhoto http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com/projects/prettyphoto-jquery-lightbox-clone/
- Jquery Countdown http://keith-wood.name/countdown.html
- Superfish Menu http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/
- Respond.js https://github.com/scottjehl/Respond
- Twitter JS Api http://code.google.com/p/twitterjs/
- Jquery Flickr Plugin http://www.newmediacampaigns.com/page/jquery-flickr-plugin
- Jquery Easing http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
- Jquery Placeholder http://mths.be/placeholder
- SWF Object http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/
- Raphael Diagram http://tympanus.net/codrops/2011/04/22/animated-skills-diagram/
- Jquery Mobile jquerymobile.com
- Redirection Mobile http://github.com/sebarmeli/JS-Redirection-Mobile-Site
- Virtuemart – Shopping cart component www.virtuemart.net
- Simple Image Gallery by joomlaworks.gr
- DISQUS Comments plugin by joomlaworks.gr
- Xmap component
- Rapid contact module
- JCE Editor - http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/edition/editors/88
Update History
Copy the existing files from the latest version in updates folder. Don’t forget to make a backup first!!!
* Version 1.2 / 27.06.2013
+ Fixed twitter feed + Fixed slider fixed + boxed
* Version 1.1 / 18.05.2013
+ Fixed custom id problem in mod_hg_vm_products_carousel module. Also updated the layout field so in case you have problems, try selecting again the layout of the module and re-save. + Fixed pkg_kallyas.zip which was displaying an error upon installation. I removed <folder>fonts</folder> in the templateDetails.xml file inside. + Fixed mod_hg_team module. in the tmpl/default.php file i replaced 'grayScale' with 'grayscale' + Fixed the topnav/navright list. The top_pos position wasn't displayed if support & hidden_login have unpublished modules. Updated the condition. + Fixed mod_hg_static_content not displaying multiple markers. + Fixed menu items background-color problem. + Added superfish support to default menu module. If you create a Menu Module and place it in the position "navigation", make sure you add "sf-menu" in the Module Suffix class field, this will trigger the superfish JS. + Added width/height values for the HG Team module
* Version 1.0.3 / 27.04.2013
+ Fixed image resizing in Portfolio categories. Not having height values, there were some Warnings (Division by zero). Added a default height value given by the width vs. height ratio. + Added Relative/Absolute path setting in HG Static Content Module - Maps layout. This fixes the Map's Pin problem. + Added posibility to have another menu than the Superfish menu included in the template. + New position 'navigation'. This will hold menu modules published through Module Manager. To disable the template's default menu, go to Template Settings > Kallyas > Default menu (option) - select "No Menu". This will activate the 'navigation position'.
* Version 1.0.2x / 15.04.2013
+ Fixed a problem of the Joomla 3.x's installation which was not passing the last step of it. The solution is either to open installation/index.php and on line 8 to add this line ini_set('display_errors','off'); or just make sure display_errors in php is set to off (at least for the installation).
* Version 1.0.2 / 11.04.2013
+ Fixed some modules which had problems with the earlier versions of PHP 5.3.x of the PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN constant. Fixed (modules affected mod_hg_featureboxes, mod_hg_imageboxes, mod_hg_latestposts, mod_hg_pricingtables, mod_hg_serviceboxes).
* Version 1.0.1 / 09.04.2013
+ Fixed module mod_hg_vm_products_carousel added custom ITEM ID field. If the 'source' page where the carousel is published has many modules, some of them might appear also inside the product's page. + Added Licenses folder inside the pack
** Version 1.0 / 09.04.2013 – Initial release

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