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TechnoStore Oscommerce Template is a fully-functional theme with a professional looking clean layout and exclusively developed and improved admin panel. It includes a tone of outstanding functionalities which will allow you to adjust this template according all your demands. It can be great for such stores as electronics, computers, gifts, music, clipart, sport equipment, furniture, etc.
Main Features:
- Crossbrowser compatible(IE8+, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome)
- Each layout element can be managed via admin panel
- Template is translated to 4 languages
- Exclusive multi-language slideshow
- Exclusive multi-language banner show
- Brand logos carousel
- Advanced drop-down shopping cart in the head section
- 2 types of drop-down categories menu:
- - Simple menu
- - Mega menu with category images and description
- Featured Products can be shown on a separate page, in a module and in a box
- Best-selling Products can be shown on a separate page and in a box
- New Products can be shown on a separate page, in a module and in a box
- Specials Products can be shown on a separate page and in a box
- Tags to Products can be shown on a separate page and in a box
- Reviews can be shown on a separate page and in a box
- Upcomming Products can be shown as module
- Also Purchased Products Module
- Exclusively developed add-ons:
- - Related products module
- - Seo optimized (ultimate SEO urls5)
- - Discount codes
- - Simple checkout(include as Guest)
- - Order editor
- - Extra info pages manager
- - Social bookmarks for products
- - Free Product Checkout
- - Products Extra Fields
- - Various attributes, and control stock on attribute level
- - Data Store Import/Export via csv
- 2 types of Featured Box
- 3 types of Reviews Box
- 3 types of Bestsellers Box
- 3 types of Specials Box
- 2 types of Banner Show Box
- Multi-language product tags can be shown on a separate page and in a box
- Tab blocks are avalable for the Home Pages, Categories Nested Pages and Product Info
- 15 available positions for the Boxes
- - 9 positions for all pages
- - 6 positions for the Home Page, the Categories Nested Page and the Product Info Page
- 44 Boxes
- - 28 exclusively developed Boxes
- - 16 impoved Boxes
- Detailed setting for each product listing (Page, Module, Box)
- Dinamic Template System – allow to change layout for each page separatly (select pages where the box should be displayed)
- Product label “sale % off” for all pages
- Product label “featured” for all pages where the product is displayed
- Equal heights for product blocks product name and product description
- Valid, optimized, well-structured CSS3, JS, HTML5, PHP and MySQL
- Based on Bootstrap CSS
- Google web fonts – Oswald, Open Sans(for russian localization)
- Easy installation
- Free Support (template )
- Detailed documentation and PSD file included
- All the added add-ons and improvements do not require the additional install, they are included in the general template installation.
- Featured Products
- Best-selling Products
- Specials Products
- New Products
- Tags
- Tags to Products
- Reviews Products
- Manufacturers
documentation is available online.
Updates v.1.4 April 22
- Added addon QTpro v4.6.1 Various attributes, and control stock on attribute level; - Added addon Easy Populate v2.8.231; Data Store Import/Export; - Improved Product Info Page; - Fixed drop down Categories menu.
Updates v.1.3 April 07
- Fixed languages files Packaging
Updates v.1.2 April 05
- Page of Categories Nested: 1) Added Show or Hide Sub Category Image; 2) Fixed Equal heights for product name in modules New products tab; 3) Fixed Equal heights for product name in modules Features products tab; - Page of Brands: 1) Fixed manufactures description from admin panel; - Change link in documentation; - Minor CSS, HTML fixes.
Updates v.1.1 March 27
- Added addon Free Product Checkout v1.1; - Added addon Products Extra Fields v 2.1; - Fixed SlideShow and BannerShow; - CSS, HTML for original osCommerce checkout; - Minor CSS, HTML fixes.
Oswald, OpenSans(for russian localization) – google web font.
The clipart for the main slider was purchased on Photodune.
All the images are not included in the stock archive.

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