This is real transformer magento theme. It will allow you to create structure according to your needs and requirements. We are sured that it will statisfy all your needs that you are requiring and expecting from ecommerce solution.
Hey… Good work… I really liked the cleanliness and it looks awesome with my Retina Display
Excellent piece of work! Congrats! Thank you for the great job! the template is amazing!
Super Cool Theme! Don’t need it right now but bought it for later
Hi the best theme I have seen so far. In need to buy a quality theme, yours is the hottest canfidate.
This theme is absolutely fantastic and top-notch. We’ve been repeatedly impressed both by how easy it is to implement changes to the theme on the backend, how much functionality is built into it to make our store look even more professional, and especially by the support ticket system. Your team has responded to each of our tickets within an hour or less each time. Very helpful, patient and professional developers. Thank you!
Hello! I bought this theme today and first of all I have to say a big thanks to the developers because it looks like there was some serious work involved and a lot of features at our disposal.
I already purchased the Dresscode theme and now the Buyshop. What a great themes and the best support I ever had! Really friendly and helpful people. The support ticket system works like a charm. Keep up the good work, I really hope this theme will be a success for you guys so that you will be able to develop more and more great stuff.
- Fully responsive 100%. You can enable/disable responsive mode
- Retina Ready. Optimizied images, icon font
- Html5, CSS3
- Real Transformer which will allow to control every pixel. Unlimited colours, backgrounds, textures, fonts etc.
- Well structured and refactored code with usefull comments. No core files changed
- MultiStore ready. You can save and configure predefined schemes and your own layouts
- Fluid grid system base on Bootstrap framework
- Included psd and html version
- One click install including sample data
- Already integrated most popular and usefull magentoconnect extensions
- Login using facebook twitter credentials
- Catalogue mode (without prices, buy now buttons, registration etc.)
- Ajax add to cart, add to wishlist/compare, toolbar paging/sort. You can enable/disable this feature.
- Google fonts
- SEO Friendly Design and Layout Structure. Compatible with all Magento SEO features
- Cross browser compatibility ((Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE 8 +))
- Icon animation (css3) on/off
- Added cross sell products in shopping cart on/off
- Ajax search auto complete
- Product short attributes in hover preview (on/off)
- Quick view option
- Discount labels on sale products on/off
- Count of products in categories menu
- 4 predefined (different structures) layouts. Basic, Amazing, iStore, Dark.
- 2 mega menu variants. You can adjust the number of columns.
- Festive/holiday themes
- Admin panel that will allow you to create/save different structure layouts.
- Custom logout, checkout, 404 pages
- Footer popup static/enable/disable modes
- 4 header variants including different sliders type (Flex, Parallax etc.)
- Bestsellers, New, On Sale sliders in different views
- Custom html blocks which can be simply edited with Magento editor
- “New” and “Sale” badges
- social widgets (Facebook, Twitter)
- hide footer option
- right vertical side bar
- product hover choice option (hover or detailed view with the previews)
- Ability set flexslider width (wide/fixed width)
- Multistore sliders
- Flexslider has original navigation animation
- Compare button @ home page
- Image slider option for each category
- 3,4,5,6 products per row
- with/without description option
- Setup sidebar (enable/disable). All blocks are sortable. You can enable/disable any block via admin panel
- ajax price filter
- flash cloud tag option. You can chose between original and flash
- big/small product view
- video option (just insert youtube url)
- choice between cloudzoom, lightbox,, fancybox, prettyphoto or pirobox for big previews
- qr code generation. You can enable/disable this feature.
- related product slider turn on/off option
- social bookmarks
- custom html block, tab
- Up-sell Products slider
- Previous & Next functionality with the previews
- (done) category menu on the left side bar
- selfhosted video
- (done) quick product view
- Groupon style Countdown
- (done) ajax search option with the product images
- more different layouts…
You will get premium support using our ticket system – http://etheme.ticksy.com/
Please, don’t submit questions in the comments section. Our dedicated support can help you only using our ticket sytem. Presale questions are without registration. Our support is available 10.00 – 20.00 GMT + 2 (Monday – Friday). We usually get back to you within 24 hours (except holiday seasons which might take longer).
- 60-pages user guied
- PDF format
UPDATES FOR JUNE 16, version 1.5
Added features:
- added MegaMenu - theme adapted to 12 languages English,German, Italian, French, Dutch, Greek, Danish, Poland, Russian, Swedish, Spain, Portuguese. Included into package. - added instruction how easy create your own translation via translate.csv file - added js cloud zoom (flash cloud zoom badly works with android)
Fixed issues:
- category option 'Include in Navigation Menu' works now with categories navigation - 4 level of navigation in MegaMenu (in simple 3) - grouped products have price with 'From' - clear all action after ajax add to compare fixed - show product names (center align) in catalogue mode - twitter api updated from 1.0 to 1.1
UPDATES FOR MAY 12, version 1.4.2
Fixed issues:
- catalogue mode fixed - carousel of mini photos in product info - parallax and revolution sliders have no conflict now - grouped product price was zero in product listing
UPDATES FOR MAY 6, version 1.4.1
- added missed files for revolution slider
UPDATES FOR APRIL 30, version 1.4
Added features:
- enable/disable top navigation menu - enable/disable navigation menu in left column @ listing page - enable/disable left column @ home page - enable/disable right banner @ home page - revolution slider - scroll for small product preview images - currency symbols to currency switcher
Fixed issues:
- hover “Remove This Item” in filter shifts man menu to the right. - tax is not showing in list view and shopping cart - second line of categories menu(if many items) has misplaced submenu - empty review, tags tabs @ product page when modules disabled - validation errors - formatting issue for including and excluding tax in price in product info - cart box misplaced when British Pounds Sterling is chosen in amazing theme - group Product Qty Field disappeared on tablets if were enabled custom block or related products
UPDATES FOR APRIL 15, version 1.3.1
Fixed Delete from ajax cart after add to cart issue.
UPDATES FOR APRIL 11, version 1.3
Added features:
- ability change custom tab title in product info page - shop by brands is multi store now (non-standard feature for Magento) - rollover product ability to choose show short description or attributes - flex slider is cashed now - added WYSIWYG editor for custom tab block in product info
Fixed issues:
- disable price filter in shop by block when ajax price slider is enabled - fix google fonts - catalog mode fixed (disable price/wish list/compare) - updated Oauth library for twitter login - in shopping cart page in block DISCOUNT CODES changed label 'Zip/Postal Code' to 'Enter your coupon code if you have one' - set limit sale, bestsellers, new products carousels to 12 items - currency changing is enabled in 'new products' block when top currency switcher changed - special products block is multi store now as every other blocks
UPDATES FOR APRIL 1, version 1.2
- fixed Account sidebar is visible now - documentation update
UPDATES FOR MARCH 30, version 1.1
Added features:
- ability set flexslider width (wide/fixed width) - all sliders multistore now - added compare button to home page - footer popup now can be static - icon animation (css3) can be disabled - flexslider has original navigation animation - fixed menu categories in amazing layout on ipad - discount labels on sale products on/off - added crossels product in shopping cart on/off - ajax search autocomplete - added quick view option - product short attributes in hover preview (on/off) - count of products in categories menu
Fixed issues:
- show labels ‘sale ’ and ‘new’ in featured products on home page - fixed Shop by category - menu categories is multistore now - rss now available in categories (enable/disable) - fixed buyshop_sample_data.sql(was bug with adding new attribute in the attributes manager) - added out of stock in product preview - fixed display of ‘new' and ‘sale’ labels when product rollover mode
- Images for the demo are taken from bigstockphoto.com
- LayerSlider – The Parallax Effect Slider (Extended Licence) – http://codecanyon.net/item/layerslider-the-parallax-effect-slider/922100 (Included to the price of template.)
* Images from demo are not included in theme files.

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