You can test this theme in 2 different demo previews
100% Compatible With OpenCart Version
Clean and Fully Responsive to use the theme for every kind of eCommerce online shop. Easy color with design settings.
Pollishop Admin Panel
Username: demo
Passowrd: demo
Main Features
- Mega Menu- Responsive Slideshow
- Google fonts
- Module Popular products
- Advanced Theme option
- Cloud Zoom
- Carousel products specified category
- Included Russian and Turkish
- Social Network: Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte
2.04.13 – bugs (advanced search and facebook box) have been fixed6.04.13 – updates to display the theme in IE8
25.04.13 – 2 different demo previews, Included Russian and Turkish, add the module Carousel products specified category, Brand New item in the top menu

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